Different languages met at a time when Prince Charles Visits Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
In the four regions of Papua New Guinea, we have 807 languages.
Papua New Guinea is one of the smaller Island countries in the world. When you look at the map or atlas, you may compare with the other countries in the world but they are largest and some just big and Papua New Guinea is just floating on the Blue Pacific Ocean.
Papua New Guinea is made up of four regions and 22 provinces. It have 807 languages including English and Pidgin, (TOK PISIN).
Pidgin is very close related to English language but the other 805 languages are deeply complicated that they can not listen and understand each other.
They can not match the other mother language with another unless you learn for 3 to 4 years.
After learning for some years, you may listen and understand but find difficult to reply so simply you may reply in Pidgin.
If you know how to speak, then you may speak but you can't speak fluent because that is not your mother tongue speaking.
You will try to learn and speak but, your own language will naturally disturbs and never speaks well or beat around the bushes.
English and Pidgin may speak well without learning.
Some of the Early Papua New Guineans already died with only one language.
Some especially in the Highlands Region still exists today with only one language.
We try to teach them how to speak Pidgin but they could not understand.
If any one from another place wanted to speak with them, they need someone to assist to translate pidgin to own language.
See more in Papua New Guinea Language Encyclopedia.
In the four regions of Papua New Guinea, we have 807 languages.
Papua New Guinea is one of the smaller Island countries in the world. When you look at the map or atlas, you may compare with the other countries in the world but they are largest and some just big and Papua New Guinea is just floating on the Blue Pacific Ocean.
Papua New Guinea is made up of four regions and 22 provinces. It have 807 languages including English and Pidgin, (TOK PISIN).
Pidgin is very close related to English language but the other 805 languages are deeply complicated that they can not listen and understand each other.
They can not match the other mother language with another unless you learn for 3 to 4 years.
After learning for some years, you may listen and understand but find difficult to reply so simply you may reply in Pidgin.
If you know how to speak, then you may speak but you can't speak fluent because that is not your mother tongue speaking.
You will try to learn and speak but, your own language will naturally disturbs and never speaks well or beat around the bushes.
English and Pidgin may speak well without learning.

Some especially in the Highlands Region still exists today with only one language.
We try to teach them how to speak Pidgin but they could not understand.
If any one from another place wanted to speak with them, they need someone to assist to translate pidgin to own language.
See more in Papua New Guinea Language Encyclopedia.
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