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Thursday 23 May 2013

Chief Somare's Foundation

The Somare Foundation was built when Chief Sir. Michael Somare was a greate leader of Papua New Guinea.
The house looks unique and the area also shown respectful and beautiful. 
The area keeps silent and noiceless everyday not to disturb our leaders or the staffs.
Sometimes later, the house was inspected by a group of building inspectors.

After inspecting, they have sent a sad report to the staffs and the owner of the building that; "The Somare Foundation is no in good condition. It shakes like the earthquake's vibrations." 
They have sent warning notice to leave that house and dislocate everything in it.
To confirm, the other group of inspectors and investigators reinspected and investigated that it was true and confirmed.
So the house was left and the staffs transfered to another locations.

Today, you can see that the house is still there with its original shape and designs outside but inside is empty.
Very sad but still beautifying this respected area and does not produces eye sores.

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